Monday, June 1, 2009

Show update!!

I just wanted to let everyone know some updates we are doing for the Simply Chic Craft Show. We will be doing spotlights of our featured vendors on the blog, so make sure you stop by and see what great products they have to sell!!!
We are in the business of helping your business be successful. Some of you have expressed concern about the booth prices. Unfortunately, the fees are there to cover our venue costs as well as advertising to get as much traffic as we can. In order for us to make it more affordable for you, we are coordinating booth sharing of our large booth. If you are interested in this option, we will pair you with another vendor that does not compete with your products. The fee for spliting the 12x8 booth is only $55.00. We are not charging an extra fee for this option and hope that will help some of you join our great event. Please email me if you are interested so that we can get you paired up as soon as possible. We are very excited about the show and hope you will join us in making it even better!

1 comment:

  1. We are very excited about this boutique!! We should all do very well
    Have a great day
    Babble on Jewelry
